Enabling effective automation

It is generally understood and accepted that good processes are a prerequisite to system automation. In a world where systems are more than capable of automating even very complex processes, it can be tempting to skip this process improvement stage and attempt to automate everything as it is, but this is never the right thing to do. Ever wondered why your new shiny system isn’t delivering the efficiencies you expected?… chances are you skipped this vital step.  

Questions before you automate any process

Before you prepare to automate any process, sub-process, or task within a process, answer the following questions. This may save you a heap of time, money and effort.

  • Does this process add any value? If not, the process shouldn't exist - one less thing to automate! 

  • Does everyone follow the same process now? If it's not standardised, you can't digitalise it  

  • Have you taken steps to improve the process? I.e. removed waste, reduced errors, etc.  

 Digitalising waste is a bad idea; you will create more of it, and faster. Remember what Bill Gates said about automating inefficient operations….  

Are you automating the right things?

Once you've answered these questions and taken the necessary actions, the next step is to ensure you are automating the right elements. We advocate using a tool called Runners, Repeaters and Strangers

Unlike the manufacturing sector, it is unlikely in the service sector that an entire end-to-end process can be automated, as parts will undoubtedly need human interaction and co-production. In this context, it is best to focus on automating tasks that are 'Runners'; these are standard processes that are frequent, constantly underway, expected, and are highly predictable. We know what the inputs will be, what we need to do, and what outputs are required. 

As the name suggests, 'Repeaters' are processes or tasks that are still predictable to a degree, but they are not as regular as runners. For these, it is worth putting in place a standard process and eventually automating, as long as you can identify a repeater for what it is. 

'Strangers' are highly customised tasks that occur infrequently. Most importantly, they are unpredictable and non-standardised, and we have little or no previous knowledge of what we will get, what we will need to do, and what the outputs will be. These are not suitable for automation and trying to do so will likely lead to trouble. We’re not saying don’t use technology to help tackle these strangers, just that they are not suitable for automation. 

Ad Esse are your ideal digital transformation partners; not only will we help you deploy your Cyferd solution, we’ll also make sure your entire business, from your operating model, down to your processes, and the people who operate them, are ready for it. This will maximise your chances for successful adoption and ensuring you get all the benefits you need and expect.  Drop us an email to schedule a demo today hello@ad-esse.com