The challenges of being an Internal CI Manager
What is an internal continuous improvement manager?
An internal Continuous Improvement Manager is a person inside an organisation who helps to transform or change the business. They usually have an extensive set of skills which are often put to the test during any change/transformation programme. Skills usually include:
Motivating people
Planning and organisation
Influencing and managing resistance to change
Managing conflict
Personal resilience
Some of the main challenges
Ad Esse has supported many Lean/transformational programmes across a variety of sectors. Through our work we have identified some common challenges that internal improvement managers face, including:
High levels of cynicism – often stemming from past mishandled projects and constant change
A lack of buy-in at a senior level – if staff don’t see senior leaders backing the programme, they are unlikely to change
Resistance – stakeholder analysis is often undertaken at the start but then ignored throughout the programme
The business doesn’t take ownership for seeing actions through, resulting in lost momentum
Priorities are unclear
The business is wedded to targets that don’t drive improvements and desired outcomes
Implementation plans stagnate and success isn’t communicated – leading to people going back to old ways of working
Staff see change as being the responsibility of the improvement manager/team – leading to a lack of ownership and implementation delays
How to overcome the problems
There are a number of critical success factors that will help Improvement Managers to deliver a successful improvement programme. Visible and active sponsorship at a senior level – buy-in from the top is crucial. Furthermore dedicated/skilled resources and funding means having internal change agents who can be deployed across the business to deliver improvement activity and support owners of action plans and monitor progress. Other success factors include:
Have a clear change plan that incorporates all change activity – identify key milestones and hold leaders to account for the regular review of progress
Engage and support staff in the change – when planning and delivering improvement workshops ensure wide representation from the business as this will also help to
Be clear on priorities, regularly reviewing progress with project sponsors
Break down silos
Identify and action quick wins – this will help to keep motivation and enthusiasm high
Create frequent and open communication – using a variety of methods, don’t assume messages are getting through
Share progress and success with the business – including hard numbers and feedback from staff on the difference the change has made
Managing change and delivering continuous improvement is challenging. Improvement Managers need high emotional, physical and mental energy and have a tolerance for uncertainty.